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    Sheshukova O.V., Shinkevich V., Kaydashev I.P.


    About the author: Sheshukova O.V., Shinkevich V., Kaydashev I.P.
    Type of article Обзорная статья
    Annotation At present time the generally accepted is the fact of infections ethyology of periodontium diseases. There was conducted the survey of modern literature on the questions of interrelations of infections agents and protective powers of organism, adaptive innate links of the immune system and formation of inflammation in periodontium. There were examined the investigations on the reason which confirm rebuilding of non-specific and specific reactivity of the organism at some forms of inflammation of periodontium and correspondingly the development of tissue reaction in periodontium. There was paid attentions on the role of microbe parodontopathogens in the development of periodontium diseases in children, the was noted the lack of information about inflammatory process in periodontium of the deciduous teeth.
    Tags inflammation in periodontium, immune system microbe parodontopathogens, deciduous teeth.
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №1(24), 2010 year, 136-145 pages, index UDK 616.314.19 – 002-06:612