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    Osmanli Z.M.


    About the author: Osmanli Z.M.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The purpose of the study. The evaluation of diagnostic significance of deviations in the concentration of the marker in serum (fetal) proteins (SMEs) in the blood of pregnant women with fetoplacental insufficiency (NEF). Material and methods. Given that the screening of SMEs in the mother's blood along with an ultrasound of the fetus in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy is an important method for screening women at high risk regarding pregnancy pathology conducted a comprehensive survey of 11 women aged from 18 to 36 years in the first trimester of pregnancy. Held ultrasound apparatus "Acuson-Antares". Held fetometry with the assessment of available visualization of anatomical structures.The main focus in the evaluation of pregnancy and fetal condition during the screening on the following conditions: threat of miscarriage, preeclampsia, syndrome of delayed fetal development (SDFD), hypotrophy of the newborn. At the same time determined the content of serum (fetal) first trimester protein in the blood of pregnant women with fetoplacental insufficiency, i.e., applied markers serum proteins (SMEs): PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A – Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A)+HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Concentrations of tested proteins in the serum samples was measured by means of the Access PAPP-A test. Test results are automatically determined by the system software. Were the studies conducted on the basis of a Laboratory Group "Düzen" (Turkey, Ankara). Protein concentration in the samples relative to serum HCG+β – intact human chorionic gonadotropin + the β – subunit was measured by means of tests "Access2 ve test dxı" company "Ismap Сoulter" Cobas®. Results and discussion. It should be noted that the sensitivity of combined test to the pathology of pregnancy with NEF in the case of the results of PAPP-A, HCG was about the same as at low readings of only one marker is PAPP-A. Particularly valuable for prenatal diagnosis of possible pregnancy pathology is the study of the combination of serum (fetal) markers: PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A-PAPP-A - Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A)+HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in pregnant women with fetoplacental insufficiency (NEF) for preventive diagnosis of down syndrome syndrome and trisomy 18/13. In our studies, was established a negative result on the above mentioned pathology, which was confirmed by the lack of children ever born. Conclusion. The data presented indicate the significant role of proteins of the family makroglobulinov in reproductive function, as well as a lack of knowledge of the problem. Continued research in this direction is an urgent necessity for the extension of modern ideas about the mechanisms of regulation of human reproductive function.
    Tags placental insufficiency, a marker of whey proteins, PAPP-A, human chorionic gonadotropin
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(53) 1 part 2015 year, 054-060 pages, index UDK 618.2-07, 079.7