About the author: |
Babiychuk L.A., Vazhnichaya Ye.M., Savelieva O.V., Mokliak Ye.V. |
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Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
In the experiments in vitro it is studied the action of medium iso- and hypoosmolarity on pathology of red blood cells (RBC) shape as well as the influence of synthetic antioxidant mexidol on these processes. It is set that in the suspensions of RBC, incubated during 2 hours at +4, +20 and +37oC, acantocytes, elliptocytes, spherocytes and target cells are present, thus under the action of hypoosmolarity appropriately the number of acantocytes diminishes without the substantial changes of other pathology of RBC shape. Mexidol, added in tests from the ratio of 100 mg/kg, in isotonic media decreases both acantocytosis and spherocytosis, in hypotonic media – acts only on acantocytes, that most distinctly shows up at temperatures of +4 and +37oC. |
Tags |
erythrocytes, pathology of shape, medium osmolarity, mexidol. |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(24), 2010 year, 6-9 pages, index UDK 615:616 |