About the author: |
Belochkina I.V., Semenchenko A.Yu., Mikhaylova I.P., Tynynyka L.N., Sandomirsky B.P. |
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Научная статья |
Annotation |
Protein-peptide composition of aqueous-saline extracts of R. ridibunda after maintenance of the individuals under different temperature conditions has been studied. The analysis of R. ridibunda tissue extracts has shown that 3 months’ maintenance of the animals at +4ºC (regimen 1), 24 hrs at +20ºC (regimen 2) and 3 sessions for 5 hrs with coming back to the temperature of +4ºC (regimen 3) affect the peptide composition of tissue extracts. The part of low molecular peptides is not found in the extracts after cooling at regimen 3. |
Tags |
aqueous-saline extract, protein-peptide composition, chromatogram. |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(24), 2010 year, 13-17 pages, index UDK 543.544-612.015.21-616-003.96 |