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    Dmitrenko A. S., Cagan O.V., Pertsovich V.M., Zhurakivsky V.M.


    About the author: Dmitrenko A. S., Cagan O.V., Pertsovich V.M., Zhurakivsky V.M.
    Type of article Научная статья
    Annotation Scientific work is devoted to the study of morphological changes in blood vessel walls of the channel bed of the gastrocnemius muscle of rats immediately after exposure to the general deep hypothermia. As the results of research, at an altitude of hypothermia observed spasm of arterial and extension of venous departments of the channel bed of the gastrocnemius muscle. The narrowing of the lumen of the arteries due to spasm of smooth muscle cells of the middle tunica, which increases with decreasing of vessel diameter. All this leads to disruption of the hemodynamics and transcapillary exchange at level of hemocapillars in which the cytoplasm of endothelial cells contains a large number micropinocytic vesicles and vacuoles, and luminal cytolemma of these cells forms a different shape and size of protrusions into the lumen of the capillary, which further violates the bloodstream.
    Tags general deep hypothermia, hemomicrocirculatory bed, gastrocnemius.
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(26), 2010 year, 67-69 pages, index UDK 611.73 + 572.7 + 611.161 + 616-089.583.29