About the author: |
Levytskyi V. A.,Gurakivska O. Y., Jakymiv J.M. Petriv R.B. |
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Научная статья |
Annotation |
Scientific research is devoted to the morpho-functional organization of the pituitary-honadal system in the diabetes mellitus type 1. For research the pituitary gland, testes, ovaries of 60 Wilstar rats had been utilized, 20 of which served as control, and 40 of with the induced streptozotocin sugar diabetes and taking material after 2 and 4 weeks after the experiment. It was set that when streptozotocin diabetes in the gonads appear the dystrophic-destructive changes of glandular cells and germinal epithelium of the testes, interstitial cells of ovarian theca interna, which leads to disorders not only germinal but hormonal function as well. Under these conditions, by the mechanism of feedback correlation, activation of the adenohypophysal gonadotrops occurs: marked augmentation of cisterns and vacuoles of granular endoplasmic reticulum, increasing number of the secretory granules of various electron-optical density, amorphous cells are formed. In addition, the functional overwork of these cells ultimately leads to their destructive changes. |
Tags |
diabetes mellitus, hypophisys, testes, ovaries. |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(26), 2010 year, 70-74 pages, index UDK 611.814.3+616.37+ 616.379-08.64 |