About the author: | Vorobets D.Z. |
Type of article | Научная статья |
Annotation | The research evaluates the rates of life quality related to health of patients with erectile dysfunction depending on it severity. Patients with slight ED evaluated by ED-sq had lower average rates of all domains from the questionnaires IIEF and SF-36, except role-physical function social function and, then men without ED (р<0,02). Patients with moderate ED had lower average rates of all domains from the questionnaires IIEF and SF-36, except social function (р≤0,05). Patients with severe ED had lower average rates of all domains from the questionnaires IIEF and SF-36, except role-physical function social function and, then men without ED (р≤0,002). It lead us to conclusion that definition “sexual disfunction” is more correct than “erectile dysfunction”. |
Tags | : erectile dysfunction, health-related quality of life. |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(27), 2010 year, 16-21 pages, index UDK 616.69-008.6(079) |