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    Pogorelaya I.V., Godlevsky L.S., Godovan V.V.


    About the author: Pogorelaya I.V., Godlevsky L.S., Godovan V.V.
    Type of article Научная статья
    Annotation In corazol-induced kindling animals (30,0 mg/kg, i.p. 21 injections) it was revealed reduction of the variability of swimming behavior, worsening of avoidance behavior from swimming-pool, increasing of aggression. Derivative of peptideamidobenzophenones (PABPh) at 0,15 mg/kg induced the increasing of the variability of swimming behavior upto 50,0 %, in the same time the drug of comparing diazepame (0,05 mg/kg) – only on 20,5 %. Derivative of PABPh in the dosages of 0,15 and 1,5 mg/kg increased the fighting threshold by 70,0 % and in 2,28 times fold correspondently, diazepame (0,05 mg/kg) increased the threshold of fighting’s in pairs of kindled rats by 40,0 %, comparatively to untreated animals. Significant derivative of PABPh induced effects maintained during 2,5 h, while effects of diazepame disappeared in 1,5 h from the moment of drugs administration.
    Tags derivative of peptideamidobenzophenones, diazepame, сorazol kindling, swimming, aggressive behaviors.
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(27), 2010 year, 148-151 pages, index UDK 616.853-092.9:599