About the author: |
Spaska A. M. |
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Научная статья |
Annotation |
Contrast injection of testicular blood vessels and following angiography were used to investigate structure of arterial, venous and microcirculatory parts of testicular blood system in adult men. Arteriograms show arteria testicularis to be the major blood supply for testis, because only its branches enter testicular parenchime and start microcirculatory bed. Microvessels of testicular microcirculatory bed forming wide net structure around seminiferous tubules, where longitudinal and cross types of capillaries distinguished. Such complexity of testicular microcirculatory bed structure can cause blood stagnation processes. Testicular venous system is formed by two groups of vessels: located inside parenchуme and under tunica albuginea testis. The biggest density of veins is located at the mediastinum testis. |
Tags |
testis, microvascular rate, arteries, veins |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(29), 2011 year, 43-47 pages, index UDK 612.616+611.13+611.14 |