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    Juzbashev G. I.


    About the author: Juzbashev G. I.
    Type of article Научная статья
    Annotation The complex approach on treatment of a syndrome of irritated intestine (SII) is developed. The combined prescription of medicine on correction of psychosomatic dysfunctions, motor and секреторной regulation of intestines and its microflora, removing pains in a stomach, eliminating diarrheas or locks has led to proof treatment at 64 of 87 patients. Use on a constant basis pro-and prebiotics essentially raises efficiency of complex treatment of SII.
    Tags syndrome of irritated intestine, psychosomatic dysfunction, probiotics
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(29), 2011 year, 165-168 pages, index UDK 617.5; 616-08-039.73; 616.34-009.11