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Prybytko I.Yu., Kharchenko M.M. |
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Научная статья |
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In dogs with intact nervous system (INS) addition of fat in dose 27,6 kkal/kg didn't influence the time of emptying of carbohydrate food (CF) from stomach and on exponential character of gastric emptying.
Augmentation of doses of fat to 33,6 kkal/kg lead to increasing of time of emptying of CF from stomach by 43% and gastric emptying loose exponential character. The vagotomy of pylorus increasing the time of emptying of CF from stomach with addition of fat in dose 33,6 kkal/kg by 8 %. But the time of emptying from stomach such dose of fat was by 24% smaller in comparison with dogs with INS. For prevention of postoperative complication in patients after Whipple procedure is necessary to create some special dietary recommendations for them.
Tags |
vagotomy of pylorus, gastric emptying, fat |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(30), 2011 year, 24-27 pages, index UDK 612.332.3+616.833.191-089 |