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    Nesrullaeva N.A., Shiralieva R.K. , Huseynova S.K.


    About the author: Nesrullaeva N.A., Shiralieva R.K. , Huseynova S.K.
    Type of article Научная статья
    Annotation The comprehensive clinical and neurophysiologic study of 65 patients (43 women and 22 men, mean age was 26, 6 ± 3,7 years) were conducted. Indicators of the evoked potential (EP) changed from the early stages of multiple sclerosis. Primarily developed changes in the visual evoked potential (VEP), with the growth of the degree of demyelination, changes to the auditory side, and then the somatosensory EP. In a result of dynamic examination of patients with multiple sclerosis was obtained, indicating the "normalization" of multimodal evoked potentials, which suggests functional abnormalities regress. The most informative for an objective quantitative assessment of functional status in patients with multiple sclerosis in our series of observations turned out to be a chess pattern VEP, which are very sensitive modality in detecting of demyelination.
    Tags multiple sclerosis, multimodal evoked potentials, diagnostics
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(31), 2011 year, 110-115 pages, index UDK 616.8-07:617