About the author: |
Gunas I., Mayevskiy O., Kyrychenko I., Bashynska O. |
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Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
At practically healthy girls of mesomorphic somatotype, habitants of Podyllia, the features of intercommunications of sonofraphic parameters of heart are set with anthropo-somatotipological indexes and component composition of mass of body. It is shown that the relative most of connections of echocardiographic indexes are set with the thickness of dermic-fatty folds, cephalomethrical sizes, components of somatotype, indexes of component composition of mass of body. The most of connections with constitutional indexes are fixed for a cardiac output, shock volume, diameter of the left ventricle during a diastole, eventual diastole volume of the left ventricle, cardiac index, amplitude of motion of front leaf of mitral valve in the phase of the rapid filling. |
Tags |
echocardiography, adolescent age, intercommunications, anthropometry, somatotype |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(32), 2012 year, 58-62 pages, index UDK 611.12-053.6:572 |