About the author: |
Nemchenko I.I., Lachovskiy V.I., Dudchenko M.A., Kovalyov A.P., Lulka A.N., Kravziv N. I., Dmitrenko V., Nemchenko L.B. |
Heading |
Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
Examination of the 36 patients with soft-tissues pyoinflammatory processes, who were under treatment in Surgical Department №1 of the 2nd CCH in Poltava took place. In the complex treatment of those patients antiseptic medicine “Povidon - Iod” been used topically. Rates of the traumatic process clinical course and wounds microbiological sowing were investigated. According to the results of the clinical-laboratory researches was determined, that topical usage of the “Povidon - Iod” in complex treatment of soft-tissue pyoinflammatory processes gives an opportunity to reduce the term of the antibacterial therapy and accelerate wounds healing, which has a positive impact as on clinical as on pharmacologic-economical effect of treatment. |
Tags |
antiseptic preparation "povidon-iod”, complex treatment, soft tissues |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(34), 2012 year, 110-112 pages, index UDK 616. – 002.3 – 08: 615.916` 15. |