About the author: |
Shylenko D.R., Marchenko A.V., Eihgorn T.Yu., Pisarenko O.A., Gutarev A.O. |
Heading |
Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
In the is presented the substantiation of the algorithm of treatment of patients with combined tempero-mandibular joint dysfunction and neurological-like pain which is demand lamina-therapy by bites lamine by Asselmeyer before orthopedic and therapeutic occlusion-correction treatment to confirm its validity and early removal of its painful symptoms. |
Tags |
occlusion, temporo-mandibular joint, bite plate, neuralgia |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(34), 2012 year, 115-118 pages, index UDK 616.724-089.23 |