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    Skrypnyk V. M., Avetikov D. S., Yеroshenko G. A.


    About the author: Skrypnyk V. M., Avetikov D. S., Yеroshenko G. A.
    Type of article Научная статья
    Annotation Development and perfecting of methods of prevention of pathological seams of skin, is an actual task. Effectiveness of existing methods of prevention of seams remains poor. To prevention applied solution of "Lipin" and cream to "Dermofibraz" in the patient with the revealed polymorphism of a gene of elastin g28197 and research biopsy, histologic and immunohistochemical (definition of localization of cages positive to CD 2, CD 3, CD 4, CD 20, CD38. CD 68, Ki67) during prevention every 3 month. In 9 months of supervision the skin structure in situ transactions corresponded developed normotrofichesky a hem that confirmed histochemical researches. Considering above-mentioned expedient there would be cream use to "Dermofibraz" and than the liposomalny preparation "Lipin" for the purpose of prophylaxis of pathological scarring is more narrow at early stages of an adhesion of postoperative wounds.
    Tags postoperative scar, abnormal scar, prevention, microcirculation
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(35), 2012 year, 096-098 pages, index UDK 617.51/.53-003.9-084