About the author: |
Levkovich N.M., Gorovenko N.H., Sheiko M.V. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The results of determination of polymorphic variant C3435T of MDR1 gene in 144 patients with affective disorders (AD) and 103 healthy control people. A statistically significant difference between research groups for C3435T genotype [χ2=6,61, p=0,001, OR=0,51 (95% CI: 0,31-0,86)] and T3435T genotype [χ2=6,8, p=0,009, OR=2,22 (95% CI: 1,21-4,07)]. Was determined that the combination of C3435C and C3435T genotypes had protective value in in developing of AD [χ2=6,8, p=0,009, OR=0,45 (95% CI: 0,25-0,83)], while a presence of T3435T genotype increased risk of AD in 2 times with respect to control. As a result of our study, it was found an increased risk of AD compared with the control group for T3435T genotype of MDR1 gene. |
Tags |
gene, polymorphism, affective disorders |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(39) 1 part 2013 year, 120-123 pages, index UDK 575.191:616.89-008:615.015.5 |