About the author: |
Slusar V.V. |
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Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
The study involved 45 women with non-pathological behavioral sex-role stereotypes that are dependent on alcohol (30 - with an F10.20 diagnosis and 15 - F10.21 on an ICD-10 criteria). Objectification of clinical indices was carried out according to the "Method of comprehensive evaluation of addictive status of the individual and the population with the help of AUDIT-like tests system". Sex-role characteristics were studied using the "Cross-sex accentuation of sex-role behavior diagnosis methods". When identifying the styles of parental behavior the "Typological model styles of parental behavior" by G. Craig was used. The study found that the primary socialization in the parental home has a significant modifying impact on the normative course and outcomes of psychosexual development in women, dependent on alcohol, in case their parents have destructive socializing styles, specifically indifferent, liberal, and authoritarian. It is proved that the primary socialization in the parental home provides a harmonious primary socialization and formation of a woman and her standard feminine sex-role stereotype in case her parents have a constructive (authoritative) socializing style. The data obtained distinguishes the authoritative style of upbringing as a positive socializing factor that provides a harmonious primary socialization and harmonious psychosexual development of an individual, but on the other hand, the indifferent, liberal and authoritarian styles are considered negative socializing factors that increase the risk of formation of sex-role deviations. |
Tags |
destructive socializing parenting styles, violations of sex-role behavior, alcohol addiction, women |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(42) 2 part 2013 year, 044-049 pages, index UDK |