About the author: |
Tsygykalo O. V. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
For the purpose to study the features of the development and formation of topography of integrate components of obturative devices of the common bile duct at an early period of ontogenesis there are 62 specimens of human embryos and prefetuses measuring from 4,5 to 80,0 mm of parieto¬coccygeal length (PCL) has been investigated. It has been established that anlage of common bile duct, duodenum, intra- and extraorgan vessels take place on the 4th weeks of intrauterine development. The fusion of common bile duct and pancreatic duct, formation of duodenal membranes, and centers of intraorgan vessel development has been found in embryos of 11,0-13,5 мм of PCL (the end of 6th week of development). Formation of topography of sphincteric apparatus of the terminal portion of common bile duct starts at the beginning of prefetus period. Connection of lumens of the common bile duct and duodenum has been found in prefetuses of 20,0-21,0 мм of PCL (the end of 7th week of development). Formation of the major duodenal papilla has been exposed in prefetuses of 21,0-23,0 мм of PCL (beginning of 8th week of development). Becoming of spatial structure of sphincteric apparatus of terminal portion of common bile duct is completed at the end of 10th week of development (prefetuses of 48,0-53,0 мм of PCL): it acquires oblique direction in the wall of duodenum, surrounded it muscular membrane, has a valvular apparatus as folds of mucous membrane, and submucous venous plexus. |
Tags |
sphincteric apparatus, extrahepatic bile ducts, development |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(42) 2 part 2013 year, 105-108 pages, index UDK 611.367.013 |