About the author: |
Cheremisina V.F. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
We studied disorders of energy homeostasis and ion saponin-perforated peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats with dermatitis of various etiologies. Shown that stimulation of lymphocyte antigen triggers a cascade of energy-dependent processes, which lead to a redistribution of macroergs in the cell, and this is associated with a significant decrease oubain sensitive Na+,K+-АТР-ase and Ca2+,Mg2+-АТР-ase activity, a decrease in the pool of ATP in lymphocytes. Proved that with dermatitis of various etiologies, especially allergic nature, violated regulatory mechanisms in lymphocytes by overloading cells Na+ and Ca2+, which leads to energy deficit lymphocytes and a violation of their functional activity. |
Tags |
homeostasis, lymphocytes, peripheral blood, and allergic contact dermatitis |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(43), 2014 year, 152-155 pages, index UDK 616.37-002-036.11 |