About the author: | Barinov E. F., Kravchenko A. N., Tverdohleb T. A., Balykina A. O. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | The aim of the study was to establish the features of individual platelet reactivity in patients with chronic obstructive pyelonephritis (COPN) 24 hours after lithotripsy (LT). Study included 70 patients who underwent contact cavitation ultrasonic lithotripsy using Karl Storz-Calcuson apparatus. For analysis of platelets reactivity used agonists in a concentration corresponding to 50% of platelets aggregation (EC50) in healthy subjects: ADP (5 M) and adrenaline (5 M). Assessment of platelet aggregation was carried out spectrophotometrically on platelet aggregation analyzer ChronoLog (USA). For analysis we used statistical package MedStat. Baseline variability of platelets 2-adrenoceptors was revealed in patients COPN with more frequent hypoadrenreactivity (41 patients, 58.6%) compared to hyperadrenreactivity (24 patients, 34.3%). Out of 41 hypoadrenreactive platelets patients increased response to adrenaline after LT was found in 21 patients (51.2%) with COPN; in 15 (36.6%) cases response to the agonist did not change, and in 5 (12.2%) patients it decreased. Reaction to phenotype of hypoadrenreactive platelets ADP is also presented by three possible options. In 11 (45.8%) patients with COPN there was increased platelet response to ADP, 7 (29.2%) - unchanged, and 6 (25%) cases - increased. Thus, the phenotype of hypoadrenreactive platelets demonstrates individual reactivity after LT. |
Tags | individual platelet reactivity, lithotripsy, chronic obstructive pyelonephritis |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(44), 2014 year, 009-012 pages, index UDK 616. 613 – 003.7 – 089. 879 : 616.155. 2 |