About the author: |
Goncharova O. A. Partskhaladze I. V., Abdullayev Y.A., Ilyinа І. M. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
According to the results of ultrasonographic studies of general and internal carotid arteries in patients with type 2 diabetes with normal body weight and obesity aged 40-66 years found that the proportion of subjects with ultrasound - signs of atherosclerosis does not differ in these groups. The thickness of the complex intima-media in both groups about equally exceeds standards, and calculated vascular age (for complex intima-media value) in each 10th anniversary, starting at age 40, to the same extent greater than chronological age. At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques detected significantly more frequently in the group with the normal body weight (54,5 %) than with Obesity (16,7 %), which characterizes the rate of progression of atherosclerosis big on background normal body weight. |
Tags |
type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, carotid arteries, normal weight |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(44), 2014 year, 030-032 pages, index UDK 616.379-008.64-092.9:616.133-004.6 |