About the author: | Andriychuk V.M. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Set of different environmental factors, that affect to the body, are exogenous factors: natural, ecological and socio- economical. Among the exogenous factors daily routine, way of eating, regime of movement and emotional burden occupy a special place. These exogenous factors, along with others, are part of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical process is a system of educational, training and production activities defined by educational, scientific, edifying plans (lessons, lectures, laboratory exercises, rest time between classes, teaching practice, manufacturing practice, research projects, excursions, sporting competitions, transportation or passing to the place of realization of events, etc.). Before entry to high school most young people reach a certain degree of physical maturity. However, the physical and mental development continues. The process of development goes through a series of successive stages, each characterized by its own features, the structure of mental activity, especially relations of mental processes and personality traits, its relationship with the environment. Junior students vary in age, development, experience, individual characteristics, but manage the process of the formation of future professionals with the knowledge and consideration of their features is impossible. Thus, today there are scientific works, which examined the effect of endogenous and exogenous factors on anthropometric parameters of boys. But there are no works, which would have been determined particularities of anthropometric parameters such as longitudinal parameters in the educational process. The aim of our study is to determine the characteristics of the longitudinal parameters of adolescent students in educational process of profile high school of the IV level accreditation. Experimental studies carried out on the Vinnitsa National Medical University M.I. Pirogov. This institution is a university fourth level of accreditation of the Ministry of Health. The conditions of students differ from the conditions stay cadets and students lack a regulated regime of the day, less physical activity and more intensive teaching load. A lonhitudinalne (as I, II , III years of study) values of the longitudinal body parameters were determined in 92 adolescent students and the peculiarities of parameter changes in teaching process during the three-year period were analyzed. Determination of the longitudinal dimensions was performed by the method of V. Bunak. Analysis of longitudinal parameters was performed using STATISTICA- 6, 1 (StatSoft) using nonparametric and parametric methods to assess performance. When comparing the longitudinal size of the body of students in first, second and third year study found that the average over all training increased. Significant differences were found when comparing annual changes in 3 of 7 (42.86%) parameters: the length of the trunk, legs, hips. Growth longitudinal dimensions in the first year is always greater than the second. Also requiring further study other partial (transverse, perimeters) parameters body of students, followed by comparison of annual changes. |
Tags | adolescent students, the learning process, the size of the body |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 009-011 pages, index UDK 616-053.7-071.3:371.24 |