About the author: |
Petrenko E. V., Khaytovych A. B., Pidchenko N. N., Ilyichev Y. A. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
Genetic characterization of the genome strains V.cholerae non O1, isolated from people with OCI in Ukraine, showed the absence of their main genome pathogenicity genes - ctxA, tcpAE, zot, ace, wbeT, wbfR, rstR, rstC, are inherent in serogroup O1 Vibrio cholerae . Vibrio cholerae, which do not carry in their genome major pathogenicity genes and peresistentsii may not cause clinical manifestations of cholera. The presence in the genome V.cholerae non O1 genes - Hly, rtxC, hapA, toxR, suggests that they are the most konservatyvnymi genomic elements of V. cholerae regardless of serogroups and biovars. An opportunity V.cholerae non O1 cause diarrhea in people of varying severity occur, most likely due to hemolysins and cytotoxins, which are produced by vibrios and coordinated genes respectively - Hly and rtxC. Genes hapA and toxR, vystupayut life-supporting genes in Vibrio cholerae. The results of genetic research, a genetic map of the strains of V. cholerae O1 is not circulating in Ukraine that allows you to continue to pursue a comparative description of the biological properties of different types of vibrios at the molecular genetic level. |
Tags |
Vibrio cholerae O1 not genes pathogenicity, virulence, hemolysins, cytotoxins |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 052-056 pages, index UDK 577.21.004+579.843:616.34(477) |