About the author: |
Prytula V. |
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Scentific article |
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We have proposed a new method of evacuation of the contents of the huge hepatic cysts. Needle puncture of the cyst through its wall was performed with the help of vessel clamp to which the cannula of syringe was installed. The content of the cyst was fluently arrived to the syringe from which it was aspirated by the help of electric aspirator. Under marked closing of the cyst walls needle was removed and syringe was reinstalled to the cannula where the process of aspiration continued until removal of the content. 51 patients underwent open surgery, in which 54 huge hepatic cysts were evacuated by the following method. This technique allowed guaranteed and safe hepatic cysts content evacuation and in all cases we had no relapse and side effects. |
Tags |
liver cyst, the method of evacuation |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 057-060 pages, index UDK 616.33/.37-006.03-07-089-053.2 |