About the author: | Stklyanina L. V., Maistrenko O. M., Pavlenko O. B., Gerasimenko O. A. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | The accurate measuring of the cranial and facial parameters are clinically useful, because may prompt the possible ways of inflectional occupations, that could be spread from the nasopharynx and disseminate the pneumatic sinuses (R. Pinhasi1, A. Timpson, M. Thomas, 2013; F. Kosa, 2000). So, the aim was to reveal the cranio-facial morphological features among the different races, that predicts to the chronic sinusitis.Materials and methods. The data for this study were drawn from a total of 400 individuals, geographically distributed across the different regions of Africa (totally n=200, 100 male and 100 female), and India (totally n=200, 100 male and 100 female) that were complained about the catharral nasal troubles. 56% persons have the episodes of the acute Himoritis. Persons undergone the craniometric anthropometric method, that includes the measurements of the head (longitudinal and transverse parameters, cm) and the face (interzygomatic distance, morphological face′s height). The relative indexes were calculated to establish the cranial shape: Cranial index (CI) and Facial index (FI).Results. In males of the both racial series we found the mesocephalic crania with a cranial index less than 79. In females of both races there are the sub-brachycephalic crania with a cranial index one cm above 80. The interzygomatic distance was sexually different (in males took the average 12.30 cm, in females – 13.10 cm) but has no racial variations. Our calculations reveals that the widest upper face belongs to the Indian females (temple-zygomatic ratio, TZR reaches 83.80), so their faces have the triangular shape. In 90% of this respondents have the episodes of the Himoritis. In African females TZR was less (79.58) but still relatively greater in population, 73% have the acute Himoritis in anamnesis. The narrowest upper faces and least percentage of the Himoritis or nasal catharr′s cases were seen in Indian males (TZR 73.31), The frontal view of their faces seemed to have relatively wide lower face part and narrow temples. The most balanced face proportions were seen in African males (TZR 74.86 – the moderate ratio among observed populations), that means the proportional equality between their temple’s width and interzygomatic width). The cases of the difficulties with the nasal breathinf in African males were moderate (in 43% of cases). Conclusion. The cranial and facial parameters, if compared in their absolute means, have no obvious sexual or ethnic differences, but from the relative cranio-facial indexes differences became obvious. Persons with the relatively wide faces are expected for the deep dimensions of the paranasal sinuses so highly predisposed to the chronic sinusitis, and most of our respondents with the brachycephalic heads and eurenic faces were seen with the episodes of the Himoritis. With the help of above study, the sex as well as race of the deceased can be determined accurately and this knowledge can be of immense importance to anthropologists as well as infectionists. |
Tags | nasal breathing, sinusitis, craniometry, facial index |
Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 061-063 pages, index UDK 572.562-053.7:572.9 |