About the author: |
Fedorov S. V. |
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Scentific article |
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Syndrome of endogenous intoxication is available at heart failure (HF), and caused of poor prognosis and patient’s condition. In 357 patients with ischemic HF the dynamics of endogenous intoxication was detected by sorption ability of erythrocytes test (SAE). In basic treatment group this parameter decreased for 8,4%; in group with additional usage of ivabradine – for 5,4%, in group with additional prescription of ω-3 PUFA – for 8,4%; in group with their combination – for 11,2%. We didn’t observe of SAE values normalization in all groups. Thus, the strongest effect for endogenous intoxication was during additional usage of ω-3 PUFA. |
Tags |
heart failure, ivabradine, ω-3 PUFA, endogenous intoxication |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 066-069 pages, index UDK 616.12-008.46+615.036.8+615.224 |