About the author: |
Apt O.A. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
We studied the structure of the Peculiarities of morphofunctional zones of white pulp of the spleen of white rats at different times after birth in normal and post-natal antigenic stimulation. It was established that the process of becoming morphofunctional zones of white pulp is phasic character. Intrauterine administration of antigens induces changes in the rate of formation of such zones and the dynamics of the cell population. Regardless of the type of antigen administered in utero, after birth observed acceleration of the formation of the inner zone of periarterial lymphoid sleeves and sides of the central artery. Keywords: spleen, white pulp, periarterial lymphoid clutch, morphogenesis, intrauterine administration of antigens. |
Tags |
spleen, white pulp, periarterial lymphoid sheathes, morphogenesis, intrauterine antigens injection |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 080-083 pages, index UDK 611.41+616.411:616-097]:57.017.645]-092.9 |