About the author: |
Dzhuma K., Stechenko L., Prytula V., Chuhra S., Trofimova I. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The paper presents the results of electron microscopic research of tissues of spleen and mesenteric lymphatic nodes of rats in one month after the modeling of the extrahepatic portal hypertension. It was determined the development of degenerative and dystrophic processes in response to the invasion of intestinal bacteria with areas of perivascular inflammation and collagen growth. The process of intensive antigen presentation by dendritic cells with further transformation of B lymphocytes into plasma cells take place. It is noted the adhesion of a large number of immune complexes in basement membrane of blood vessels of microcirculatory chain and endothelial cells, which play the role of phagocytosis, due to deficiency of interdigitant and coastal macrophages. Thus, extrahepatic portal hypertension is accompanied by significant morphological changes in the organs of the immune system in rats that need further study in dynamics. |
Tags |
spleen, lymph nodes, hypertension |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 111-115 pages, index UDK 57.012.4:616.428:[616.381+616.411]:616.149-008.341.1:612.08 |