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    Kvyatkovskaya T.A., Kvyatkovskiy E., Fedorіnchik T.V.


    About the author: Kvyatkovskaya T.A., Kvyatkovskiy E., Fedorіnchik T.V.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The surface of human organs fibrous capsules: kidneys, spleen, liver, pancreas and thyroid glands, testis, ureter, esophagus, corpora cavernosa of the penis, were investigated. The preparations of the organs fibrous capsules were studied in the scanning electronic microscope JSM-35 (Japan). The distance between the fold tops of the organs capsules surface on the scans was determined. It was determined that surface microrelief of fibrous capsules organs had a plicate structure. The most marked folds had fibrous capsules of penis corpora cavernosa. The distance between fold tops was 24.99±0.94 mkm. It is known that the length of the corpora cavernosa during the erection increases at an average 60%. The marked folding had fibrous capsules of the thyroid gland (the distance between fold tops 11.67±0.47 mkm) and of the kidneys (the distance between fold tops 11.89±0.57 mkm in the poles and in the outer edge area and 4.38±0.23 mkm on the side surface). It is known that blood flow volume in the thyroid gland and kidney is the biggest. Fibrous capsules folding of other organs with less blood flow volume was less marked. The distance between the spleen fibrous capsules fold tops was 8.32±2.12 мkм, of the testes fibrous capsules was 6.89±0.87 mkm (at the front edge 12.57±0.87 mkm), of the pancreas fibrous capsules was 6.35±0.29 mkm, of the liver fibrous capsules was 3.80+0.16 mkm (at the lower edge 7.87±0.37 mкm). The fibrous capsule folding was more marked at their edges, where tension concentration was the biggest. The distance between fold tops of the ureter fibrous sheath was 7.50±0.76 mkm and folds had obliquely longitudinal direction. The distance between the fold tops of the esophagus fibrous sheath was 4-6 mkm, the surface of the esophagus adventitia was of the net structure. Studies have shown that the nature of the fibrous capsules organs folding depends on blood flow intensity and the tension concentration in the organs.
    Tags fibrous sheath, electron microscopy
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 134-136 pages, index UDK 616-006.327-091:616.1/.8:57.017.3:77.026.34