About the author: | Pototska O. I. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Gained material in the recent literature on the protective function mucosa of the airway allows dividing them into non-specific, including systems of mechanical, biochemical and cellular protection, and specific - cellular and humoral immune responses. It can be considered as definitely established that in the airways immunological mechanisms of defense reactions that are occurred by local immune apparatus presented by regional lymph nodes, lymphoid structures, macrophages and lymphocytes of the respiratory system are the most expressed. However, despite considerable relevance, the problem of larynx immunoreactivity is far from being solved. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the mucosa and lymphoid structures of the larynx during the prenatal period of ontogenesis. Structural and functional features of larynx imunomorphological complex at different stages of prenatal ontogenesis were studied in autopsy material of different parts of human fetus larynx. In order of morphofunctional characteristics of the different cell populations (primarily lymphoid), epithelial and connective tissue components by identifying end-polysaccharide residues, used methods with specific lectins. Analysis of the morphological features covering and glandular epithelial and lymphoid structures of the mucous membrane of the larynx in human prenatal ontogenesis on the basis of a comparison of their structural and histochemical characteristics of a number of biologically active compounds (glycogen, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans acid, sialic acid receptors to lectins of peanut and soybean) allowed to allocate in the prenatal period into 3 stages: embryonic (3-4 months), transitional (5-6 months) and fetal (7-9 months). In the embryonic stage laryngeal epithelium of all parts has high glycogen synthesis. In the epiglottis, in the vestibule simple tubular glands are found. In all parts of the larynx lymphocytes that are located diffusely have PNA + and SBA + lymphocytes. In the transitional stage in the cells of the surface layer of stratified squamous, ciliated epithelium and multi-terminal portion of the tubular-alveolar glands laryngeal are synthesized neutral proteoglycans and sialic acid. In the mucosa and submucosa of the larynx from lymphoid cell series set the maximum content of SBA + lymphocytes. In the fetal stage in the surface epithelium of the larynx neutral synthesized proteoglycans, sialic acid and hondroyitynsulfaty A and C. The secretion of goblet cells and complex sero-mucous glands containing proteoglycans, sialic and hyaluronic acid hondroyitynsulfaty. In functional terms, the number of PNA + lymphocytes increases dramatically to 8 months of development and decreases the time of birth. In this period of embryogenesis, as in the previous in the larynx loose connective tissue lymphoid cells are composed mainly from small and medium lymphocytes. Identify also isolated lymphoblasts and plasma cells. Content of SBA + lymphocytes maximally increases by 5-6 months before the birth and they identified solitary. This indicates that in the transitional and fetal stages of embryogenesis populations of T-and B-lymphocytes are found in various proportions and it is driven by the start of the formation of a specific immunological reactivity to the birth. |
Tags | human larynx, mucous membrane, the prenatal period |
Bibliography |
Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 180-183 pages, index UDK 611.42:611.22]. |