About the author: |
Romaniuk A. M., Grintsova N. B. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
In the experiment, 48 adult male rats aged 5-8 months are within 3 months of consumed water saturated with a combination of salts of heavy metals zinc, copper and iron, the mixture of heavy metal renders the brain toxicity. This is manifested in the development of the phenomenon of acute brain edema with signs of hemorrhagic infiltration, impregnating substance of the brain with blood. n analysis of linear indicators organometrichesky brain intact animals. Linear rates brain intact animal age somewhat increased length of the brain from 3,23 ± 0,04216sm aged 5 months to 3,5 ± 0,02582sm 8 months of age, and the width, respectively, of 1,417 ± 1 0,03073sm 51 ± 0,02713sm. The length of the brain of experimental animals was significantly increased throughout the experiment: in group I on 0,175sm (r≤0,01) in group II at 0, 185cm (p ≤ 0,05) and 0,19sm (r≤0, 01) in the III group of test animals. The width of the brain also increases slightly during the experiment, but not significantly, in group I on 0,007sm (r≥0,05) in group II at 0, 013sm (r≥0,05) and 0,017sm (r≥ 0.05) in the group III animals. The degree of severity of the changes in the brain in the macroscopic examination and analysis of linear organometric indicators brain is in direct proportion to the duration of the experiment. Macroscopic state of the body indicates the development of brain edema, acute progressive nature to form in the last stages of experience signs of hemorrhagic infiltration of the brain substance. Effects on the body combination of sulfates of copper and zinc, and iron has on the brain of experimental animals enough expressive toxicity manifested as changes in the body at the macroscopic level, and when analyzing the linear organometric indicators measurements. |
Tags |
cerebral cortex, copper sulfate, zinc, iron, organometric indicators |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 187-190 pages, index UDK 616. 831 – 018 . 613. 632 |