About the author: | Kholodkova H. L., Kravchuk A. N. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Seminal vesicles (SV) since were found by the Berenger de Carpi in 1523 y. the importance of the functional role of SV in male genital potency and fertilization become obvious, thus the detailed review of the anatomy and physiology of this organs has both theoretical and clinical importance.Matherials and methods. Chronic moderate hyperthermia (H) that mean the every-day overheating by the to39,6-40,9оС was performed on the 200 mature male rats in overheating authorized chamber (H-group). Second group of the rats (n=200) during the continuous overheating with the same mode received the inosine (Reeboxine-Darnitsa) as the corrector in daily dose 1,2g per os (H+I-group). The SV were dissected post mortum at the 1st, 7th, 15th, 30th and 60th days and undergone the immediate macromorphometry and after fixation and staining – histomorphometric revision. Quantitative interpretation of the potency of the applied hyperthermia as an experimental factor and possibility to correct the revealed changes in SV caused by hyperthermia influence via inosin, was assessed by the single-factor statistical analysis.Results. During the first month of the applied overheating the general sizes of the SV (mass, volume, length) in experimental rats were reduced relative to the control at 2.95% -5.86% (p <0.05), while such parameters as width and the thickness of the duct mucosal tunic remained resistant to the action of the H. Correction by the inosine neutralize the most of changes in SV, mentioned above: the only delay of total growth of the organ was seen. On the histomorphometrical level in H+I group registered general tendencies to improvement: volume nuclei of epithelial cells and their height reached control levels (30 days) and at the end of the experiment, some parameters (the thickness of the muscular and mucous tunics, nuclear volume) even exceeded the control limits at 1.03%, 4.50% and 1.40 %, although not significant. It should be note the interesting feature of the inherent action of hyperthermia: mucosal tunic of the SV′s ducts in the early stages of the overheating stay resistant to the high temperature, regardless of the presence or absence of the corrector, but on the final terms (without correction – on 60 days, with a correction – already at 30 - mucosa become thicker than control at 1.07% (in H-group) or 4.50% (in H+I). This may be a manifestation of secondary hypertrophy of the mucous layer for the purpose of protecting from overheating reaction. Due to the factor statistical analysis, the highest influence of the H was seen on the thickness of the mucosal tunic (more than 90,00%), length of the SV (up to 94,00) and the nuclear dimensions (around 97,4% - 84%). As a result of factor analysis, the authors found that the presence of inosine corrector when rats were exposed to hyperthermia, yet at the microscopic level, the effect of hyperthermia left significant changes, as in the case of extreme hyperthermia, focused on nuclei SV: strength factor of influence on volume nuclei of epithelial ducts from 1 to 30 days was 67.3%, 80.6%, 78.0% and 62.8%, and the impact caused by the high temperature on the nuclei of epithelial ducts was largest - for all terms 89.9% - 84.2%.Conclusion. Continuous overheating of the male rets depresses the rate of total growth of the seminal vesicles, that could be regenerated by themselves at the later stages, but hyperthermia does lead to the severe distortions on the histological level (nuclear status of the epithelial cells appeared under the quantitative depression). Correction by the inosine improves the microparameters of the SV (nuclear size, volume) but the prescription should last for relatively long duration (at least for 2 months). |
Tags | seminal vesicles, hyperthermia, inosine, mature rats |
Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 200-202 pages, index UDK 611.637 + 616.583 |