About the author: |
Yuldashev A. Yu., Yuldasheva S. Z., Rakhmatova M. Kh., Nishanova A. A., Tarinova M. V. |
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Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
According to the update findings it is known that digestion and absorption in the gastro-intestinal tract take place in the lumen of the organs, on the surface of the absorbing cells membranes and intracellularly. Development of the digestive tube structures starts at the intranatal period. But as the functional system it is formed at the early postnatal ontogenesis. It mammalians the development of organs, systems and an organism, as a whole, is provided by the hemochoreal nutrition up to birth. Immediately after the partition, the indicated processes become intensive owing to the plastic substances, biologic active and protective factors of the suckling milk. This investigation concerns the mucosa in the gastric fundal part at the postnatal ontogenesis. The structural and functional formation of the mucosa in the fundal part of a stomach is finished predominantly by the period of transition to the definite nutrition and is characterized by zonal localization of integrating cambial, differentiating and high-specialized peptic and parietal, covering and pit cells. |
Tags |
ontogenesis, stomach, epithelium, pectoral rearing, mixed feed |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(47) 2 part 2014 year, 214-219 pages, index UDK 612.32.75:612.648.641.66:612 |