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  • Article
    Charles A., Yavorovskyy A. P., Sheyman B. S.


    About the author: Charles A., Yavorovskyy A. P., Sheyman B. S.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The paper presents the results of examination of employees which professionally contacting with lead. Toxemia formation at a heavy degree has been detected. The basic mechanisms of toxemia formation, the size of molecules and particles of endotoxins, potential of toxin-induced cytolytic activity (TITSA), the priority sites for of endotoxins accumulation on toxin-carrying blood fractions depending on the level of lead in the blood have been defined. Excessive contents of nitrite-nitrate in serum (NO 2- / NO3-) of surveyed workers, that was accompanied by the accumulation of content S-nitrozotiols (RS --NO +) and dynitrozyl iron complexes ((RS-) 2Fe + (NO +) 2) have been established. It is recommended to define the content of nitrite-nitrate amount (NO 2- / NO3-) and its stable metabolites (S-nitrozotiols (RS --NO +) and dynitrozyl iron complexes ((RS-) 2Fe + (NO +) 2) in serum as markers of early diagnosis of vazotoxic effects of lead. Its role in the formation of endothelial dysfunction in lead intoxication was defined.
    Tags lead, nitrate, nitrite, S-nitrozotiole, dinitrosyl iron complexes, Markers, diagnosis, prevention, endotoxemia, mechanisms of formation
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №1(48), 2015 year, 026-032 pages, index UDK 615.9:615.916'1:546.815:576.524