About the author: |
Charles A., Yavorovskyy A. P., Sheyman B. S. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The paper presents the results of examination of employees which professionally contacting with lead. Toxemia formation at a heavy degree has been detected. The basic mechanisms of toxemia formation, the size of molecules and particles of endotoxins, potential of toxin-induced cytolytic activity (TITSA), the priority sites for of endotoxins accumulation on toxin-carrying blood fractions depending on the level of lead in the blood have been defined. Excessive contents of nitrite-nitrate in serum (NO 2- / NO3-) of surveyed workers, that was accompanied by the accumulation of content S-nitrozotiols (RS --NO +) and dynitrozyl iron complexes ((RS-) 2Fe + (NO +) 2) have been established. It is recommended to define the content of nitrite-nitrate amount (NO 2- / NO3-) and its stable metabolites (S-nitrozotiols (RS --NO +) and dynitrozyl iron complexes ((RS-) 2Fe + (NO +) 2) in serum as markers of early diagnosis of vazotoxic effects of lead. Its role in the formation of endothelial dysfunction in lead intoxication was defined. |
Tags |
lead, nitrate, nitrite, S-nitrozotiole, dinitrosyl iron complexes, Markers, diagnosis, prevention, endotoxemia, mechanisms of formation |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(48), 2015 year, 026-032 pages, index UDK 615.9:615.916'1:546.815:576.524 |