About the author: |
Veligotskiy N., Klimenko M. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
Development of recommendations choice of effective tactics of surgical interventions in acute pancreatitis (AP) is still relevant in surgery. Еxisting theories of pathogenesis of inflammation in the pancreas highlight the key role of cytokines in the formation of pancreatic necrosis. The role of anti-inflammatory cytokines transforming growth factor-ß1 (TGF-ß1) in the development of the severity and nature of the inflammatory changes in AP has not been studied. According to current data TGF-ß1 affects the processes of cooperation of inflammatory cells in the pancreas, fibroblast proliferation and synthesis of extracellular matrix components. The features of the content of the transforming growth factor ß1 (TGF-ß1) in the serum of 74 patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis - 21 in the first 10 days of hospitalization. Proven diagnostic significance level of TGF-ß1i dynamics indicator in the nature and degree of inflammation in the pancreas. Defined diagnostic thresholds TGF-ß1 and sensitivity of anti-inflammatory cytokine in acute and chronic pancreatitis. |
Tags |
anti-inflammatory cytokine- transforming growth factor-ß1, acute pancreatitis,chonic pancreatitis |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 017-021 pages, index UDK 616.37-002.1/. 2-07-092:612.017 |