About the author: |
Kaskova L. F., Artem'ev A. V., Artem'eva V. A., Makovka I. L. |
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Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
Based on the study of skeletal remains of children population of Ukraine, who lived from the Copper Age to the Middle Ages and is attempting to determine the time of occurrence of orthodontic diseases.
The main source of injury in these historic periods is traumatic injuries. Orthodontic diseases not found.
Epidemiological analysis of caries process and old based on the odontology collections of inhabitants of the Cooper Age to the late Middle Ages from Ukrain. Differens oll diseases of skeletal, jaws and teeth people hu live in old time.
The first manifestations of abnormalities in children, as part of the reduction process, can be traced to the Middle Ages. This is due to food intake. Food were more careful thermal processing and became softer.
After a comparative analysis of food consumed at different times of history, can be considered as fact use in food products more solid character in the past, compared to the modern, well-founded. Based on this provision, it is important to note the elements of progress set reduction of dentition area from epoch to epoch, which, in our opinion, due to the lack of a load of the oral cavity. It is noteworthy that the main pressure of production processes, (and probably other etiologic factors), characteristic of the Middle Ages
The absence of traumatic injuries in the Eneolith, also refers to the property acquired high strength of dentition area as practical lack thereof in the Bronze Age, a small number of cases of injury of the teeth in the archaeological cultures of the early Iron Age.
Traumatic injuries of teeth in the Middle Ages, for example, more than twice than in the preceding period.
All manifestations observed anomalies described by modern medical science; it is presented of the Middle Ages. The number of these variations is much smaller than that of the child population today accommodated.
The obtained results lead to the conclusion about the need for additional measures to strengthen odontology and further study of dental diseases in different historical times in different territories. |
Tags |
anomalies, occlusion, teeth, era |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 051-056 pages, index UDK 616.31+616.716]-053.2(447)”7” |