About the author: | Kovtun M. I. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | The several main requirements have to be meet for ensuring the best results of cataract treatment. Some of these requirements refer to ophthalmologist and some requirements refer to patient. The main requirements to the doctor are the correct diagnostics, timely refer of the patient to proper hospital which equipped with proper medical devices and materials to perform the high quality surgical intervention because of cataract. From the other side the patient has to visit ophthalmologist as soon as possible after he feels the visual impairment. The patient has to ask for specialized treatment in terms which were recommended by ophthalmologist. Ideally each elderly person must undergo the annual medical examination. It will allow to diagnose cataract on early terms and to develop the optimal treatment tactics. Besides some factors are present which affect the success of treatment but do not depend on ophthalmologist directly. The individual peculiarities of post-operational period, patient’s activities during this period, carrying out of recommendations, complications presence. The patients’ awareness plays critical part in treatment efficacy. The aim of research was the estimation of cataract patients’ awareness about the disease particularities and the influence of surgical treatment seeking terms and cataract stage on treatment outcome. Materials and methods. The 791 patients who were hospitalized for cataract surgical treatment took part in questionnaire survey. The several questions’ blocks were included to the questionnaire. Each block allowed to characterize the social status and educational level of patients, the awareness about the disease and also to determine the most effective information sources regarding the cataract. Results and discussion. 290 (37%) male and 501 (63%) female patients took part in the survey. The most part of patients was in age group from 61 to 80 y.o. (87%). 632 (80%) patients were retirement pensioners. The 65% of respondents have no higher education. 52% of respondents were aware about the cataract before, 32 % of respondents were not aware about this disease and 15,3% of respondents found it hard to answer. 50,5% of respondents were aware about the main symptoms of cataract, 28,5% were not aware about the symptoms and 21% of respondents found it hard to answer. More than 55% of respondents have no information about the main methods of cataract surgical treatment. Only 30% or respondents were aware about cataract complications which can be a result of late seeking for surgical treatment. The number of such respondents was reliable lower (p<0,05) than the number of respondents who was aware about the complications (44%). The 26% or respondents were hard to answer this question. Only 27% of patients were informed about the important role of terms of seeking for surgical treatment after the cataract diagnosis. The rest of respondents were not aware about it. The results of survey had shown, that the main part of patients (75,7%) received the information about cataract only during the visit to ophthalmologist with complaints on visual impairment or for new lens fitting. More than 70% of patients noted that they obtained the exhaustive enough information about cataract peculiarities from ophthalmologist in outpatient department. 64% of respondents were referred to certain hospital and 72% of respondents were referred to certain specialist for surgical treatment. 9% of respondents seek for treatment to certain hospital after relatives recommendation and 10% after the recommendation of friends. 17% of respondents selected the hospital independently. The 6% of respondents had noted, that the state hospital was selected because of difficult financial position. The state clinic also was selected by 46% of respondents because of positive opinionof friends. The 48% of patients make a decision about the hospital after the discussion with outpatient department ophthalmologist. |
Tags | awareness, cataract, surgical treatment |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 056-060 pages, index UDK 617.741: 614.2 |