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    Pavlova Ye. A.


    About the author: Pavlova Ye. A.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Microcirculatory disorders in heart failure lead to the development of disorders of cellular and humoral immunity, damage to blood barrier, which often contributes to the development of secondary pneumonia, which aggravates the course and prognosis of chronic heart failure, and in some cases the cause of death of patients. Вroncho - associated lymphoid tissue (BALT), where focused reticular cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, fibroblasts except the barrier function carried out mucous membrane of the bronchial tree, plays an important role in preserving the morphological structure of the mucosa, the implementation of a variety of cellular and humoral immune responses by influencing the immune system as a whole. Also interesting the study of the structural components of T and B zones in the peribronchial lymph node tissue (peripheral lymphoid organs) and the content of functionally active cells in pneumonia associated with chronic heart failure, where the selection of lymphocytes, entering in all organs and tissues and destruction pathogen implemented. Studied lungs and peribronchial lymph nodes in 20 autopsy cases (a forensic medical material) in individuals of comparable age and sex. The causes of death were heart failure (control) and pneumonia arising on a background of chronic heart failure. In the group with chronic heart failurewere excluded inflammatory diseases on the basis of macro - and microscopic examination. During finding out the role of cells of immune system in local immune reactions of lungs and peribronchial lymph nodes during pneumonia which originated on a background of сhronic heart failure with the help of immunohistochemical methods compared with сhronic heart failure without pneumonia it is established, that in lung tissue serous - purulent type of inflammation was observed deficiency of interstitial collagen types III and I, while serous - desquamative - lack of type IV collagen is localized in the composition of epithelial and vascular basal membranes. Local immune reactions characterized by increased of neutrophilic component on the background of macrophage and B-cell activation and T-cell suppression, where increased helper activity and immunoregulatory index. There was also activated by plasmoblasts-producers of IgM, IgA and IgG, with deposition of immune complexes in the epithelial and vascular basal membranes. Increased population of cells producers of IL-1 and decreased - IL-6. In tissue peribronchial lymph nodes is observed more expressed than in the case сhronic heart failure without the pneumonia devastation lymphoid cell component is identified, the tendency toward reducing the number of cells expressing receptors for CD56, and increase the number of cells producers of IgM, IgG, IgA, IL-1, IL-6, indicating the presence of dissociation syndrome, which is a companion secondary immunodeficiency.
    Tags pneumonia, сhronic cardiac insufficiency, lymph nodes, immunocompetent cells
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 072-077 pages, index UDK [616. 24 - 002:616.428] - 092.18:616.12 - 008.46 - 036.12