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  • Article
    Pinchuk S. V.


    About the author: Pinchuk S. V.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Aim of our work – to set features computed tomographic size of the lumbar spine in sagittal-median sections in healthy girls of Podillya of all ages. Materials and methods It was made a preliminary survey of urban girls (16-20 years) in belonging to slavonic ethnic group, living in the third generation in the territory Podilsky region of Ukraine, and well as the absence in health complaints during the test and chronic diseases in history. For 235 girls after psychophysiological and psychogigienic survey, a series of clinical and laboratory examinations was made, after which 167 girls were included in the total group of healthy people who had anthropometric survey. Among them 86 girls conducted a CT scan of the lumbar spine and chest within the planned prophylactic examinations under voluntary written consent of their parents or investigated. A computer-tomography study of the lumbar spine was performed using X-ray computer tomography spiral ELscint Selekt SP according to the standard protocol study of the spine in the sagittal-median projection. Results. Discussions In the comparison of the results between girls of all ages found: in 16-year-old girls was significantly lower values: front and rear height of the first lumbar vertebra compared to the 17, 18, 19-year-old studied (p <0,05-0,01); height of zero and first intervertebral discs compared to the 18- and 20-year-old studied (p <0,05); intervertebral disc height fifth compared with the 17- and 20-year-old girls (p <0,05-0,01); average width of the body first, second and fourth lumbar vertebrae compared with 18- and 20-year-old studied (p <0,05-0,01); average width of the body of the third lumbar vertebrae and posterior height of the lumbar spine compared to the 18-year old girls (p <0,05); significant tendency to lower values of the fourth intervertebral disc height compared to '20 girls (p = 0,059); in 19-year-old girls was significantly lower values: the average height of the body of the second lumbar vertebra and the anterior height of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra compared to 17-year-old studied (p <0,05-0,01); average width of the body of the first lumbar vertebra compared with 17-, 18- and 20-year-old studied (p <0,05-0,01); average width of the body of the second and the fourth lumbar vertebrae compared with 18- and 20-year-old girls (p <0,05-0,01); average width of the body of the third lumbar vertebra compared to 17-, 18-year-old studied (p <0,05-0,01); significant tendency to lower values of the anterior height of the lumbar spine compared to '18 girls (p = 0,054); in 20-year-old girls was significantly lower values: the average height of the body of the second lumbar vertebra and the anterior height of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra compared to 17-year-old studied (p <0,05-0,01) and a tendency to lower values of the anterior body height fifth vertebra compared to '16 girls (p = 0,065).
    Tags computed tomography, lumbar spine, morphometry, healthy girls
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 077-081 pages, index UDK 612.014.5-053.81:616.53-002.25-08