About the author: | Skrypnikov A., Herasymenko L., Isakov R. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | There has been increased interest in studying the problems of the origin and development of neurotic disorders in recent decades, due to the prevalence and severity of medical and socio-demographic effects. Among neurotic disorders forms burdened somatic and neurological background, resistant to treatment, lead to disability of patients are founded. All this makes the problem not only medical but also social value. Medical and social consequences of neurotic disorders include chronic disease, the severity of social distress, reduce disability and quality of life. Despite the recognized relationship formation against non-adaptable conditions with neurotic disorders, systematic studies on this issue have not been conducted. We strived to develop principles of psychosocial rehabilitation on the basis of psychosocial disadaptive behavior, violations of family functioning in patients with neurotic disorders. 129 women, ages 27-49 years with a diagnosis according to ICD-10: somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system (VDS) – 32, adjustment disorders (AD) – 15, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – 19, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – 16, neurasthenia – 47, were comprehensively examined. Low self-esteem, the expectation of the negative attitude of others were leading in patients with SVD of cardiovascular system with disadaptive psychosocial behavior. According to our survey patients with adjustment disorder had the trigger factor in the development of disadaptive psychosocial behavior, as frustrations needs in health, active, happy family life, the freedom and independence of actions. Obsessive-compulsive disorders in women develop a sense of loss of self-control, the threat of madness, loneliness. Clinical-psychopathological analysis of the structure of clinical symptoms in patients with neurasthenia showed that the emotional range of these patients was formed due to the predominance of despair (45,5 %; p<0.01), dissatisfaction (40,8 %; p<0.05) and anger (35,2 %; p<0.01). The definition of the types of psychosocial maladjustment gave us the opportunity to observe the specific features of the manifestations of each option neurotic disorders. SVD of cardiovascular system development was due to interpersonal sensitives, hostility, and psychological distress. In women with RA – in connection with the dissociation between self-esteem self-empowerment and emotional expressions, and the real state of things. Pessimism, hostedn traits and characteristics of uncertainty and intravertebral influenced on the emergence of symptoms of interpersonal sensitives in women with PTSD. The features to adcontrol and pessimism contributed the emergence of phobic anxiety. Low mental stability, against which there was an increased reactive anxiety and sense of loss of self-control, madness, loneliness contributed symptoms in women with the OCD. The signs of social maladjustment and deviant personality trends amid dissatisfaction important aspects of life contributed to the frustration of needs, the emergence of feelings of guilt, professional insolvency, which influenced the course, the duration of neurotic pathology and quality of diagnostic and treatment events. |
Tags | psychosocial maladjustment, neurotic disorders |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 097-100 pages, index UDK 159.923:616.89+616.12-008+615.851 |