About the author: | Kryzhna S. I. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | The paper presents the results of experimental study morphometric and morphologic evaluation of microcirculation in selective parts of the myocardium due to experimental embolic branches of pulmonary artery and there is explained the mechanisms of compensation. Balanced loose type of coronary blood flow to the myocardium of rabbits is a suitable model for the experimental study of acute circulatory disorders in pulmonary blood flow at microvasculature level. The study was conducted on rabbits in 6 groups. Experimental embolism pulmonary artery branches modeled by introducing sterile vaseline oil in the ear vein 0.3 ml per 1 kg. Studies have shown that reserve of non-functioning capillaries in both ventricles can be mobilized under stress due to myocardial ischemia, which is established in this experiment. In experimental animals due to pulmonary embolism small points necrosis observed in the right ventricle. Strengthening shunt drainage in the myocardium of both ventricles in the early stages of the experiment suggests a compensatory response of coronary blood flow, which is the redistribution of blood flow not only benefit functionally overloaded right ventricle, and in non overloaded left ventricle. Low efficiency of drainage in the subendocardium, intraventriculum septum and right ventricle in experimental animals due to the fact that the right ventricle after load leads to a decrease in the pressure gradient in coronary loop, creating an obstacle normal drainage of blood in the right ventricle. Normalization the number of capillaries in the anterior miocardium and increases it in posterior miocardium wall may be due to adaptation of blood supply during 30 days. Thus, experimental embolism branches pulmonary artery leads to severe myocardial ischemia, accompanied by severe morphological changes of cardiac muscle with a predominance of right-type of coronary blood flow. Compensatory redistribution of coronary blood flow in the most vulnerable parts of the left ventricular posterior and anterior wall of the right ventricle is available through collaterals and increased capillaries. Experimental compensatory mechanisms 30 days after embolism are to normalize the number of capillaries in the anterior and increase in posterior wall infarction. Continued research will create a unified concept of the pathological process and justify the addition to the classic idea of compensation mechanisms of myocardial perfusion complicated by embolism of branches pulmonary artery, in order to reduce the risk of life-threatening complications, resulting in the timeliness and relevance of the research. |
Tags | myocardial ischemia, compensation |
Bibliography |
Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 125-129 pages, index UDK 616-092:616.24-005 |