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    Rybak V. A., Maloshtan L. N., Poltorak V. V., Gladkih A. I.


    About the author: Rybak V. A., Maloshtan L. N., Poltorak V. V., Gladkih A. I.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Obesity is one of the most important problems for millions of people and health care due to the high prevalence in most countries and early disability of patients. We have elected the object of the study and it has become the thick beans extract (TBE), established at the Pharmacognosy Department of the National University of Pharmacy led by prof. Kovalev V.M. The aim of the research has been to study the long-term impact of TBE on the dynamics of the body weight, mass fractions of abdominal adipose tissue in the rats with type 2 diabetes against the background of obesity. Modeling the diabetes mellitus type 2 in the mature males, six-month Wistar rat population has been conducted by administering some low doses of streptozotocin (30 mg/kg intraperitoneally on citrate buffer pH = 4,5) after the 90-day combined diet. The TBE has been administered orally at a dose of 40 mg/kg by a probe daily for 30 days starting on the 95th day of the experiment. As a comparison drug metformin has been used in the form of an aqueous suspension with the Tween-80 at a dose of 50 mg/kg of the body weight according to the similar lines. The control group, according to the similar lines, has got the placebo – 3-5% aqueous emulsion Tween-80. The body weight of the tested animals has been determined on the first, 95th and 125th day of the experiment. At the end of the study we have performed euthanasia of the animals by cervical vertebrae dislocation under light ether anesthesia. Then we have done an autopsy of the animals, macroscopic examination and evaluated the mass fractions of abdominal adipose tissue: epidydymalnoho, mesenteric, retroperitoneal and total abdominal fat. The comparison drug metformin has showed a more pronounced effect on the body weight loss of the diabetic animals – 7,2 g compared with the effect of the TBE. A prolonged use of the TBE in the diabetic animals treatment has not led to the weight gain (as has been the case in the group of animals «Diabetes + placebo» – to 225,5 g) and shown no efficacy, which has been close to the action of metformin. In the experimental models of type 2 diabetes against the background of obsesity the TBE has contributed to decreasing the mass fractions of adipose tissue: epidydymalnoyi, mesenteric and retroperitoneal, and total abdominal fat and approached the efficacy of the comparison drug – metformin. Thus, the long-term use in the treatment of the animals for the experimental model of type 2 diabetes against the background of obsesity the TBE has led to a decrease in the body weight and abdominal fat mass proaterohennoyi. We have found the effectiveness of the TBE to reduce the body weight and total weight of abdominal fat animals approaching the comparator – metformin, which is an important feature of a long-term use in the treatment of the patients with type 2 diabetes. In addition, a prolonged use of the TBE is nontoxic, which is a significant advantage over the comparison drug – metformin. The TBE is a promising medicine for the further pharmacological studies to study some lipid-lowering, antihypertensive and antiatherogenic effects for creating herbal remedies – tablets «Hlifasonorm» and caps «Hlifasolin» to correct complications of type 2 diabetes.
    Tags type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, metformin, the thick beans extract
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 158-162 pages, index UDK 615.25.252.349.7:615.451.16:582.894.6