About the author: |
Kokovskaya O. V. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The findings of the in vitro experiments (1st stage) showed that polarized light prolonged the time of fibrinolysis of thrombocyte and thrombocyteless plasma. Such effect of polarized light is connected with the direct impact onto plasmin. The findings of the in vivo experiments (2nd stage) were more significant. In this case the effect of polarized light enhanced the blood hemostatic potential, indicated by shortening of the total time of blood coagulability from 487,3 s to 360,0 s (р<0,05), acceleration of thrombocyteless plasma recalcification from 137,0 s to 99,0 с (р<0,05), shortening of APTT from 27,4 с to 23, 7 с (р<0,05). |
Tags |
polarized light, fibrinolysis, hemostasis |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(52) 2 part 2015 year, 109-111 pages, index UDK 612.115:615.831 |