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    Kryvovyaz S.O.


    About the author: Kryvovyaz S.O.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Aim of our work – set features of somatotypes distribution in healthy and patients with myopia boys and girls of the second period of childhood, rural residents Podilsk region of Ukraine. Materials and methods From data bank of scientific and research center Vinnitsa National Medical University named after Pirogov taken initial anthropometric and somatotypological indicators of practically healthy and patients with myopia girls and boys period of the second childhood (63 healthy and 46 patients with myopia boys aged from 9 to 12 years and 54 healthy and 49 patients with myopia girls aged from 9 to 11 years) that in the third generation living in rural areas in the territory of Podilsky region of Ukraine. Anthropometric survey of adolescents conducted in accordance with the scheme of V.V. Bunak. Definition of somatotype by method J. Carter and B. Heath. Definition component composition of body weight carried by techniques J. Matiegka. Statistical data processing was performed using licensed software package «Statistica 6.1» using parametric and nonparametric methods for assessing the results. Results. Discussions Found that in patients girls percentage of endomorph was significantly larger and ectomorph - significantly lower than in healthy girls. When comparing the percentage of somatotypes between healthy and sick boy significant differences or trends difference value of the indicator is not set. Found that in healthy boys significantly greater percentage of ecto-mesomorph and mesomorph compared with healthy girls. In healthy girls percentage of eсtomorph and intermediate middle somatotype was significantly greater than in healthy boys. In patients girls set significantly (p <0,05) higher percentage of endomorph and significant trend towards lower values of mesomorph percentage compared with patients boys. Found that in healthy boys significantly greater percentage of meso-, ecto- and ecto-mesomorph compared to endomorph of a similar group of comparison. In healthy boys percentage of ecto- and ecto-mesomorph significantly larger and endo-mesomorph and middle intermediate somatotype was significantly lower compared to the comparison group of similar mesomorph. In healthy boys percentage of ectomorph and ecto-mesomorph significantly higher compared with representatives of endo-mesomorphic and medium intermediate somatotypes. Found that in healthy girls significantly greater percentage representatives of ectomorph, ecto-mesomorphic somatotype and intermediate middle compared with endomorph and mesomorph of a similar comparison group. In healthy girls percentage of ectomorph significantly higher compared to the representative of ecto-mesomorphic, endo-mesomorphic and medium intermediate somatotypes. In healthy girls percentage of representatives average intermediate and ecto-mesomorphic somatotype was significantly higher compared to the endo-mesomorph. In patients boys significantly smaller percentage of endomorph compared with representatives of other somatotypes. In patients boys percentage of ectomorph was significantly higher, but endo-mesomorph and middle intermediate somatotype was significantly lower compared to the comparison group of similar mesomorph. In patients ectomorph percentage of boys and ecto-mesomorph significantly higher compared with representatives of endo-mesomorphic and medium intermediate somatotypes. It was established that in patients girls significantly greater percentage of representatives with ectomorph somatotype compared to a similar group comparison endomorph. In patients girls mesomorph percentage was significantly lower compared to ectomorph and ecto-mesomorph and has a significant tendency to lower values compared with the representative of average intermediate somatotypes. In patients girls significantly greater percentage of representatives ectomorph somatotype compared with representatives of ecto-mesomorphic, endo-mesomorphic somatotype and middle intermediate. In healthy girls percentage representatives of ecto-mesomorphic somatotype and middle intermediate according significantly larger and has a significant tendency to a more greater index compared with endo-mesomorph.
    Tags boys, girls, distribution of somatotypes, myopia
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(51) 1 part 2015 year, 051-054 pages, index UDK 616-071.3:675.1:611.984:612.655/.656