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Gabibova K. G. |
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The purpose of the investigation was to study the status of use of contraceptives, reasons for their poor uptake by women in Azerbaijan.
Material and methods. On the bases of 3 urban prenatal clinics and their surrounding schools and kindergartens conducted a survey of women. Only the questionnaire was distributed to 4000 women, the response rate was 1577 questionnaires. Results and discussion. The results of generalization of fully completed questionnaires show that a total of 812 respondents from 1577 women use contraceptives (51,5±1,3%), and constantly one of them use only 189 women (23,3±1,5%), 255 women-often (31,4±1,6%; t=3,70; P<0.001), and 368 women - rarely (45,3±1,7%; t=5,97; P<0.001). Many of them haven't married and started a sexual life, but among them are also married and leading a sexual life. In older age groups of women, many of whom are married and sexually active, frequency of contraceptive use increases significantly, reaching among women aged 30-34 years of age 67,8±2,6% (t=9,92; P<0.002). The most important relative to effective family planning, reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies and related abortions, consistent and correct use of female contraceptives. Unfortunately, the situation in this respect rather unsuccessful - only 189 respondents from 1577 women ever used contraceptives (12,0±0,8%). Almost half of the women contraception is not used and the proportion of women using modern contraceptives on a regular basis, is very small. Therefore, among them are very frequent cases of unwanted pregnancies and abortions. In particular, 812 women, in varying degrees, using contraception, a total of 1425 children were born, among them, 302 children were born as a result of unplanned pregnancy. Women were made 1521 abortion. It is important to note that among, in total, 104 women using oral and nearlynine hormonal contraceptives and emergency contraception was routinely observed only 2 cases of unplanned pregnancy that culminated in the birth of a child, and 4 cases of abortion, which underscores the efficacy of these contraceptive methods. Conclusion. Thus, contraception is still not widely used among women, as this reduces the effectiveness of family planning and has a negative impact on demographic processes. In many respects it is connected with insufficient knowledge of women about the importance of contraceptives in prevention of unwanted pregnancy, their properties and rules of use, etc., as well as a lack of female consultation on the promotion of contraceptives. Mass proper use of contraceptives, especially oral and nearlynine hormonal and emergency contraception will greatly reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies and related abortions.
Tags |
contraceptives, women of reproductive age, family planning |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(53) 1 part 2015 year, 021-025 pages, index UDK 613.88 |