About the author: |
Kucherenko V.P., Zhukov V.I., Shcherban M.G., Bezrodnaya A.I. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
In the last decade increased fate harmful effects on the hydrosphere chemical, metallurgical, oil, pharmaceutical industry and vehicles. Synthesized tens of thousands of new chemical compounds are often toxic and chemically stable, with potential danger to public health. Unsatisfactory performance required sanitary, technological and organizational measures for effluent treatment leads to water pollution, inflicts heavy losses fisheries worsens sanitation and water supply. Especially powerful water pollutant wastewater is the chemical industry, the scale range and volumes of products is a leader in the world.
The aim is to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition products hydrolytic degradation and transformation оligoesters simple technical mark "Laproly" -L-2101, L-3603-2-12, and justification of their degree of potential danger. Simple Oligoesters (SOE) - a significant polluters of water bodies, which are widely used in the economy.
It is established that the products hydrolytic degradation oligoesters in some cases may be more toxic than the original substance. This important fact necessitates further research of toxicological evaluation of metylkarbitol and 2-metoksyetanol.
Identified opportunity to hydrolytic degradation and transformation of simple Oligoesters to form dangerous products should be considered when forecasting the adverse impact on water, health and the development of a set of preventive measures. |
Tags |
simple Oligoesters, destruction, transformation, toxic metabolites |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(53) 1 part 2015 year, 039-042 pages, index UDK 543.632.534 |