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    Mehdiyeva Z. , Gasimov E. , Rzakulieva L. , Rzayev F.


    About the author: Mehdiyeva Z. , Gasimov E. , Rzakulieva L. , Rzayev F.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation 93 of surveyed pregnant women aged 19 to 37 years; of these, in 43 cases diagnosed with the syndrome of delayed fetal growth (sdfd). Studied the cellular and non-cellular structures of Mature intermediate and terminal villi. Electron microscopic study of placentas with intrauterine delay of the fetus showed that in the intervillous lacuna identified tubercles, resembling apoptotic vesicles. Revealed the signs of violation of the integrity of syncytiotrophoblast (STSTB) is not characteristic of apoptosis and necrosis. The close adhesion of villi to each other occurring destructive changes in the cells involved in trophoblastic lining of the villi and in the construction of the walls of the internal vessels, and the extracellular elements, and entering the maternal blood pieces STSTB mostly necrotic origin, caused in utero pathological condition of the mother along with prenatal growth retardation, including contributing to the development of preeclampsia, all these reasons can be assessed as morphological manifestations.
    Tags light and electron microscopic study, placenta, pre-eclampsia, apoptosis
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(53) 1 part 2015 year, 045-051 pages, index UDK 616-053