About the author: | Yevtushenko V. M. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Relevance of the topic. Increasingly relevant point of view, favoring the connective tissue in the development of hypertrophic processes in the prostate. There are important autoregulatory processes derived mesenchymal role in the regulation of hormonal factors recent [1, 2, 3, 5]. Cloth relationship between epithelium and connective tissue support the view of the close correlative relationship between these tissues as in the development process and in the subsequent stages of ontogeny [4, 6, 7], which leads to interest in the study of the topic. The aim is to study the impact of connective tissue stroma of the formation of the components of human prostate in a postnatal ontogenesis. Material and methods. The objects of study are taken human prostate in age from birth to 75 years. Pieces of human prostate was fixed in 10% neutral formalin and then embedded in paraffin and serial sections were made. To evaluate the proliferative activity, the state of smooth muscle tissue, the vascular bed using the monoclonal antibody Ki-67 (clone MIB-1, DakoCytomation) - indicator of proliferative activity, LSMA - marker smooth muscle actin and CD 34 - endothelium (clone DO-7, DakoCytomation). Results of the study. The connective tissue stroma of the prostate newborn consists of bundles of collagen, elastin and immature collagen fibers. Among the cellular elements of connective tissue fibroblasts dominate this period. In the connective tissue fibers and smooth muscle cells of many components and vessels. A significant proportion among the stromal elements (over 80%) in the connective tissue. Specialty connective stromal component occurs with a certain asynchrony and in the formulation of histochemical reactions. This phenomenon indicates a close correlative connection with the processes of differentiation of authority between the epithelium and connective tissue. Prostate child first months of life consists mainly of young connective tissue, permeated with individual strands of muscle fibers; glandular tissue in it is poorly developed. At the age of 2 - 4.5 and 10 months of the prostate gland undergoes significant morphological changes associated with proliferative processes leading to an increase of the connective tissue stroma. There is an increase of connective tissue layers surrounding the secretory units and ducts. Grows connective tissue around the prostatic urethra. The prostate stroma connective tissue predominates, although some increase in the number of smooth and striated muscle fibers. Connective tissue separates the muscle bundles, forms massive layers along the excretory ducts and significantly compacted around the secretory departments. It is dominated by collagen fibers interwoven with the reticulum, which are especially numerous in the layer separating the muscle bundles. In children (4 to 8 years) prostate develops very slowly. The final formation of its ends only to 10 years. In this period the total mass of cancer increases approximately two times compared to the total weight of the newborn. As we approach the period of puberty, the prostate increases in volume due to the development of connective tissue and muscle. In parallel, an increase in glandular tissue. Elastic tissue increases gradually until the period 1 adulthood. At this age boys in the prostate appears tortuosity of the arteries. In 15 years, to continue to develop before the increase in mass of the parenchyma and prostate. On the back and the side surface of prostate glandular most departments are located. Connective tissue stroma containing collagen, reticular and elastic fibers. At this age, there is a positive marker expression LSMA prostate stroma. Proliferative processes in glandular parenchyma prevail over those processes in other tissues. At this age, there is a positive expression of markers Ki - 67 in epithelial cells of the glandular epithelium. It should be noted that the strengthening of the process of growth of connective tissue components continues in the age of 17, although the overall growth of the epithelium takes precedence over the general mass of connective tissue and muscle structures. Simultaneously there is an increase of fibrous connective tissue components, especially reticulum and elastic fibers. There is a positive expression of smooth muscle actin. Along with the loose connective tissue, part of the gland, the main mass of fibrous connective complexes form structures. The ratio of fibrous components in various areas of change. As in other age periods, the connective tissue surrounding the secretory units and ducts consists of a reticular and elastic fibers. As part of the capsule and interlobular layers along with cellular elements predominate collagen fibers. Connective end section, intertwined with smooth muscle cells and form a powerful body frame stroma. The latter indicates an important trophic and plastic part of the connective tissue, ensuring the maintenance of secretory processes in the epithelium. In the second adulthood interstitial connective tissue of the prostate is characterized by an increase in the number of elastic fibers. They are mostly located around the acini, excretory ducts and smooth muscle cells. Weakly positive expression determined by immunohistochemistry marker smooth muscle actin in the stroma of the human prostate. Connective tissue is exposed to surgery, leading to the replacement of some parts of the body reticulum fibrous elements. Prostatic glands in 60 years, often changed cystic degeneration, accompanied by thinning of the walls of the acinar departments, flattened epithelium, filling gaps terminal departments and excretory ducts epithelial cells, in part because of the proliferation which is observed. Connective tissue stroma consists mainly of collagen fibers which are in many portions of the gland exposed to destructive changes. Separate groups of collagen bundles razvolokneny. Between them, a lot of collagen fibers and elastin fibrils modified. A comparison of connective tissue layers surrounding acinar departments shows that the composition of fibrous structures are different. Most layers comprise predominantly collagen fibers, while in some areas such interlayer gland constructed in the basic weight of the reticular fibrils with a small amount of collagen fibers therebetween. After 65 years, the connective tissue surrounding the gland departments in many parts of the body gipertrofirovanna. It is subject to sclerotic process accompanied by an increase in the number of collagen fibers, atrophy of glandular lobules. Around slices atrophy there is a reorganization of the stroma, leading to the sclerotic processes in the connective tissue. Changing the ratio of fibrous structures in the predominance of collagen fibers. Discussion of the results of the study. The analysis revealed that in the connective stroma fibroblasts secrete prostate among kollagenoblasty, contractile myofibroblasts, fibroklasty. It can be assumed that the interstitial cells of the connective stroma of the prostate are also one of the manifestations of the structural and functional heterogeneity of all elements within the same species of connective tissue cells - fibroblasts. This property fibroblasts, along with other characteristics, suggests that a key role in regulating the functions of connective tissue and muscle stroma of the prostate, its role in the development of organ function and involution play cooperative cell-cell interactions and relationships between cells and extracellular components. They are implemented and monitored by nervous and humoral mechanisms. In this regard, it is permissible to consider that the processes of differentiation of smooth muscle become the leading role in the development of the prostate gland during puberty, a part of the connective elements of transformed fibroblasts, myofibroblasts into muscle tissue of an organ. Conclusions. Thus, to maintain a normal body morphophysiological state is of great importance not only to the interaction with other epithelial tissues, but also the interaction between the smooth muscle and connective tissue. The last two types of tissue connected through myofibroblasts, which can be converted into components of both the tissue due to changes in the endocrine and exocrine functions of the body. Such transformations cause an opportunity to hypertrophy of muscle or connective tissue components of the prostate. Prospects for further research. In future research receptive capacity connective and muscular tissue by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies: AR - androgen receptors, PSA - prostate specific antigen and the elucidation of its role in maintaining the mechanism of hormonal homeostasis in the prostate tissue system. |
Tags | prostate gland, connective tissue, fibroblasts, postnatal ontogenesis |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(53) 1 part 2015 year, 114-118 pages, index UDK 611.33.08: 612.017 |