About the author: | Marchenko A. V. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Aim of our work – determine the features of computer-tomographic mesiadistal size of teeth in young men with physiological bite, depending on the shape of the head. Materials and methods The primary indicator of the size of the teeth and head boys of Podillya with orthognathic bite derived from the database of SRC VNMU named after Pirogov. To study were selected only scans of boys with orthognathic bite, which was determined by 11-points by Bushan et al. and their cephalometry performance. To conduct computer tomographic studies used dental cone-beam tomograph - Veraviewepocs 3D, Morita (Japan). Research conducted under the own developed schemes within the following specifications. Volume three-dimensional image - cylinder 8х8sm, – the layer thickness 0,2/0,125 mm, dose of radiation 11-48 mkSv, voltage and amperage 60-90kV/2-10mA. Measuring the mesiadistal size of teeth conducted exploring tomograms in shell program i-Dixel One Volume Viewer [Ver.1.5.0] J Morita Mfg. Cor. Measurements were carried out according to the following protocol: 1) adjusted the brightness and contrast of the image so as to clearly distinguish the skeletal anatomy; 2) study tooth positioned so that its central axis coincide with the vertical, horizontal and sagittal axes of the program. As a result, we received the presentation of the object studied in three windows. Mesiadistal size measurement performed using regular software measuring device in the corresponding projection. In the upper incisors, canines, small and first large molar teeth measured mesiadistal distance between the most distant (contact) points of approximal surfaces in the lower incisors - at a level the cutting edge. Cephalometry size measurement is carried out within the program measurements corresponding list of Martin. Head linear dimensions defined as direct or projection distance between anthropometric points. The measurements were performed a large compass with scale full-scale systems of Martin. To determine craniotipe defined the parameters largest width of the head and longest length head. Craniotipe determined by the formula: the largest head width * 100 / greatest length head. With the value to the 75.9 researched attributed to dolichocephalic; 76,0-80,9 - to mesocephalic; 81,0-85,4 - to brachycephalic. Established the following distribution: mesocephalic boys - 16, boys brachycephalic - 19 Statistical analysis of the results was performed using the statistical software package "Statistica 6,0" (belongs to Vinnitsa National Medical University named after Pirogov, license number AXXR910A374605FA) using nonparametric methods. Results. Discussions Established that only size mesiadistal size of the lower right canine in males brachycephalic significantly (<0.05) higher compared with men mesocephalic. The values mesiadistal size the rest of teeth of the upper and lower jaw as among men of common and men of various groups craniotipe and between men and meso- and brachycephalic had no significant differences or trends indicator to differences. Mesiadistal size of teeth obtained on a sample of youth and young adults with physiological bite, can be used in clinical orthodontics to diagnose abnormalities of teeth and when determining matching size of teeth parameters of dental arches and cranio-facies complex as a whole. The obtained results make it possible to determine that the computed tomography mesiadistal size of almost all teeth in of boys (except the lower right canine) have insignificant individual typological differences among representatives of different craniotipes (mesocephalic and brachycephalic). Promising are studies differences in investigated sizes in girls of different craniotipes between the study of both sexes. |
Tags | mesiadistal size of teeth, youths, mesocephalic, brachycephalic, cone-beam computed tomography |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(54) 2 part 2015 year, 050-053 pages, index UDK 612.31-053.6:572.54 |